Academics at City School » Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning

“Project Based Learning (PBL) prepares students for academic, personal, and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit.” - The Buck Institute for Education

Project Based School

You might think that City School is just like any other normal middle school, but you would be mistaken.  We are a Project-Based school, where students work on a project for an extended period of time, from one to six weeks. Students choose a topic that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. We believe when students ask the questions, they will be motivated to go deeper in their research to answer the question. Instead of having a test on the material, students demonstrate their skills and knowledge by developing a public product or presentation for a real audience.

We believe this method of learning allows our students to develop deeper content knowledge, as well as utilizing creativity, critical thinking and presentations skills in the context of answering real world questions.

According to the Buck Institute, Project Based Learning allows students to:

  • Engage their hearts and minds
  • Develop skills for deeper learning
  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Fosters rewarding teacher/student relationships
  • Strengthens 21st century thinking skills and utilizes current technology